Nyt ei voi muutaku toivoa, et kaikki menee hyvin Suomessa ja mä sopeudun sinne. Blah. En halua lähteä ja silti haluan lähteä… Ihan oikeesti, en edelleenkään tiedä mitä ajatella mun päätöksestä enkä yhtään mistään muustakaan. :( Aika kamalaa olla iloinen ja surullinen samaan aikaan, eikä edes tiedä kumpi tunne voittaa.
Eli huomenna on sitten kolme kuukautta jäljellä täällä. Kotiinpaluulentoja en ole vielä ehdottanut järjestölle, sillä muutama juttu mun matkustuskuukaudessa on avoinna.
In English:
I have done one of the hardest decisions in my life… I decided not to stay here longer. I need to say I hope it's the right decision. My feelings about this have been so mixed, I have cried so many times because I don't know what to do and it's just horrible. The problem is that my family here is just the best in the world. Seriously. I'm so happy I got to come here. I really want to have a situation when all the people who are very important to me and who I love the most are in the same place and I get to live with all of them. Unfortunately it's pretty much impossible. :( I have no idea how it's going to be in Finland and how I can handle that very different life style. Hopefully it goes good and family, friends and working makes it easier. It's not going to be easy but I really hope it's going to be easy enough.
Now the only thing I can wish for is that everything goes good back in my another home and I adapt there again. I don't want to leave and at the same time I want to… Still I have no idea what to think about this decision and all the other things. :( It's pretty awful feeling to be happy and sad at the same time and not even knowing which one of the feelings is stronger.
So tomorrow is the day I have three months left here. The flight back to Finland I haven't requested to the agency yet since my travel month is still in the making...
Eli huomenna on sitten kolme kuukautta jäljellä täällä. Kotiinpaluulentoja en ole vielä ehdottanut järjestölle, sillä muutama juttu mun matkustuskuukaudessa on avoinna.
In English:
I have done one of the hardest decisions in my life… I decided not to stay here longer. I need to say I hope it's the right decision. My feelings about this have been so mixed, I have cried so many times because I don't know what to do and it's just horrible. The problem is that my family here is just the best in the world. Seriously. I'm so happy I got to come here. I really want to have a situation when all the people who are very important to me and who I love the most are in the same place and I get to live with all of them. Unfortunately it's pretty much impossible. :( I have no idea how it's going to be in Finland and how I can handle that very different life style. Hopefully it goes good and family, friends and working makes it easier. It's not going to be easy but I really hope it's going to be easy enough.
Now the only thing I can wish for is that everything goes good back in my another home and I adapt there again. I don't want to leave and at the same time I want to… Still I have no idea what to think about this decision and all the other things. :( It's pretty awful feeling to be happy and sad at the same time and not even knowing which one of the feelings is stronger.
So tomorrow is the day I have three months left here. The flight back to Finland I haven't requested to the agency yet since my travel month is still in the making...