maanantai 27. huhtikuuta 2015

Runyon Canyon

Eilen käytiin vähän hikellä Runyon Canyonilla, josta näkymät aukeavat sekä Losin keskustaan, että Hollywood kyltille. Maileista en osaa sanoa mitään, reissussa oltiin ehkä kaks tai kolme tuntia, mutta osa ajasta meni tietty maisemien ihailuun :) Lämpöasteita oli taas ihan reilusti, mutta silti ei ollu liian kuuma. On tää kyllä aika ihana paikka…

In English:
Yesterday I went for Runyon Canyon hike. From up the hill you can see downtown LA and Hollywood sign. I have absolutely no idea how many miles it was but we were hiking for probably two to three hours. As usual, half of the time we were enjoying the view :) It was warm day again but still not too hot for hiking. This is pretty awesome place…

Let's start with the most important thing; John Mayer… He was singing "Your body is a wonderland" to me. Or was it just a dream?

A view to Hollywood sign and some pretty nice mansions


Hollywood Boulevard

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